Friday, 22 November 2013



 cucumbers naturally hydrate the skin

Grow Your Own Cucumbers

Cucumbers developing on lateral branches on the plant are typical of commercially grown cucumbers. The more branches the higher the yield of cucumbers.
Cucumbers developing on lateral branches on the plant are typical of commercially grown cucumbers. The more branches the higher the yield of cucumbers.
Classed as a fruit, eaten as a vegetable, the cucumber for many is thought of as a salad ingredient or as two slices popped on the eyelids to cool, tighten and hydrate the delicate eye area.
In fact, there are a great variety of ways to utilize this popular fruit into DIY skin care.
How many of us know recipes for cucumber face washes, homemade face masks or even refreshing cucumber spa water? Not the majority, that’s for sure.
Being cost effective, chemical free and full of nutrients are excellent reasons to switch from store bought toiletries to making your own, in my opinion.
Who needs the expensive face creams, lotions and potions when we can make better alternatives in our own kitchen?
Face washes are a great choice of facial cleanser if you prefer the feel of water on the skin. They are a very popular introductory skin care product for teens and ideal for men to use in the shower or after shaving.
Cucumber is incredibly beneficial for all ages, sexes and skin types including sensitive, dry, combination and oily.
It is a versatile fruit that may be used in virtually any homemade skin care recipes including soaps, cleansers, toners, face masks, exfoliators and moisturizers.

Lemon Cucumber

The saying "cool as a cucumber" is one that could not be more true. With over 90% water, they automatically cool down the skin.
A member of the gourd family, cucumbers are said to have originated in India and were then brought to the European continent through the Greeks and Romans.
Today, there are a variety of different cucumbers available throughout the world, including those termed as slicing, pickling or burpless.
Yellow cucumbers are a variety extremely popular in parts of India and known as Dosakai. Round and bright yellow in appearance, these cucumbers are used making chutney, curry, Indian pickles, daal and sambar (soup)

Beauty Benefits of Cucumber ~

  • Vitamins A, C and D
  • Potassium, Magnesium and Silica
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Over 90% Water
  • Skin Brightener
  • Diminishes Freckles and Age Spots
  • Hydrates Skin
  • Cools
  • Soothes
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Astringent
  • Treats Acne
  • Fades Scars
  • Puffiness
  • Dark Circles

Cucumbers Get The Thumbs Up

Cucumber face wash is ideal for both sexes in daily skin cleansing.
Cucumber face wash is ideal for both sexes in daily skin cleansing.

Cucumber Face Wash ~

This recipe is using ingredients easily found in health food stores, supermarkets or online if not already in your kitchen cupboard. Each ingredient combined with cucumber makes a healthy and fresh alternative face wash that is packed with skin benefits.
Honey - Softens, smooths and heals the skin whilst acting as a natural preservative.
Green Tea – Improves skin elasticity, diminishing wrinkles and provides protection against UV sun damage.
Aloe Vera – Excellent cleansing, hydrating and healing properties for the skin.
Castile Soap – Made from 100% plant oils, it is the most natural and chemical free soap there is. Ideal for the most sensitive of skins it has a multitude of uses and benefits thanks to it being totally made from natural oils such as olive oil.
Word of Caution
As with all homemade products, do not use if you are prone to food allergies or have an existing allergy or medical condition without first consulting a doctor.

Cucumber, Honey and Olive Oil Face Mask for Dry Skin

Hydrating The Skin

A few slices of cucumber works wonders on re-hydrating the delicate skin around the eye area.
A few slices of cucumber works wonders on re-hydrating the delicate skin around the eye area.

Go Green

Would you give cucumber face wash a try?

  • Yes, it sounds easy and so good for the skin, I'm in!
  • No, I prefer my usual cleanser.
  • I have an allergy to them unfortunately.
  • Not sure if I would bother making my own skincare.

Reduce Puffy Eyes, Cucumber Juice and Face Mask

Cucumber Lemon for Acne

Face Wash Recipe ~

¼ cup of Cucumber juice (skin and juice 1 Cucumber)
1-2 tbsp Honey
2 tbsp Castile Soap (olive oil based soaps)
2 teabags Green Tea
2-3 tbsp Aloe Vera juice
1/3 cup water
You Will Need:
Clean glass jar with lid
Glass measuring jug
Small saucepan/pot
  • Gently heat (not boil) the water in the saucepan.
  • Add the teabags and leave to cool for an hour.
  • Add the honey to the tea while it is still warm and stir to dissolve it.
  • Remove the teabags.
  • Pour the cucumber juice and tea tincture into the glass measuring jug and stir.
  • Add the aloe vera juice and castile soap, mixing well.
  • Pour the face wash into the glass jar, screw on lid and shake well.
  • This should yield approximately a week’s supply, using twice daily.
  • Store in the refrigerator in-between use.
  • Dampen the skin with warm water, to help open the pores.
  • Take a teaspoon of face wash and lightly rub between finger tips before applying to the face. This warms up the wash and activates the ingredients.
  • Massage into the skin gently in circles, always in an upward motion so as not to drag the skin down.
  • Take care around the eye area.My tip is to apply with a cotton bud very carefully and remove with water the same way by using the other end.
  • Remove with warm water and rinse finally with cold water to tighten and close the pores.
  • Pat the skin dry.
  • Follow with your moisturizer.
You may easily double up on measurements with this recipe.
All of these ingredients may be used in other homemade skin care and beauty products, making them very cost effective and beneficial to you. DIY face,body,bath and hair treatment recipes are available for the different ingredients.
Organic varieties are the best to use if your budget will allow.

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